After our fun road trip through Yamanashi prefecture, Tatsui decided to stop a night in Hakone, a famous hot spring town that can easily be reached from Tokyo. To our surprise, the hotel we booked was at some point visited by the emperor Akihito himself.

While beautiful, we did not only explored Hakone in this trip though. We impromptu decided that we wanted to check out the area of Tokyo Station, as it was on the way back to Toyama anyways. And doing so was a really great decision, as we ended up seeing a ton of incredible buildings that I loved looking at.

But the moral of this video is that things can just happen in Japan if you just let things happen. If you don’t plan everything perfectly and just try to do something on the fly. I had a lot of fun making this video. To me it symbolized a lot of healing that I have been going through lately and I am really glad to be able to share it with you guys.

With love
– Niko

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